Year 6: Weekly round up

We’ve had another lovely week in year 6.
We started the week by revealing the new parking bollards with PC Sarah, where a small group went to try speed gunning. There are further dates for other groups to participate in this wonderful activity. We wanted to give a huge thank you to all involved. 
Our maths focus this week has been angles. We started by going on an angle hunt around school to see where a range of angles are hiding in plain sight. We will continue with angles next week. 
We had another successful Eucharist service led by year 6. We were so pleased to see more friends and family join us. 
Next week: Sports day is due to take place on Wednesday afternoon. Please remember to send pupils in with suitable outdoor kits and water bottles.
We will continue to read more chapters of our class book and have a range of creative tasks lined up.
We have finally reached a full jar of marbles and will be having our reward on Thursday afternoon. Year 6 have chosen to have a pyjama and film afternoon where hot chocolate will be provided. Further details will be shared next week. 
We hope the sun shines for you all this weekend!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.