Year 6: Weekly round up!

Year 6 have been busy this week writing their lighthouse poems and persuasive letters. I was very impressed by the creative writing shown in their poems. Once they had drafted their poems, the class moved into the book nook to read them out loud to identify strengths and areas to improve. (photos on Google classroom)
Year 6 were very excited to build their own prototype of an air raid shelter. The shelters had to withstand wind, weight, and water. All the prototypes were successful! Da iawn pawb!
As we finally had some pleasant weather, we had a lovely game of rounders on the field. We have seen some excellent batters and some wonderful teamwork. 
Next week: Pupils who are going to Nant BH will need to bring their luggage into school. This will be stored before boarding the bus. Reminder, no electronics should be packed/brought. If any medicine needs bringing, please bring this to the breakfast club doors with a note/explanation of times/amounts to be taken. The weather is up and down so please pack accordingly. 
Pupils who are not attending the trip have a lovely class project planned for the afternoons. I’m so excited to see the results of this group project! There will also be maths, literacy, and art planned across the 3 days. 
Get plenty of rest this weekend, we’ll need it! See you all Monday! 
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.